Well, here I am again, everyone. (Whether that means a different "here" than you're used to me being at, &/or perhaps a different "I".)... Sorry for the change in location, but if you didn't know, I've spent a lot of the past few years (albeit in better weather) at the local Mall, & places move if not entirely leaving the building all the time, with customers & "higher-ups" acting as though it has no effect.
Anyway, excuse me if I'm leaving a bunch of my past few months out here; Fact is I wrote & posted another blog a few months back, but it seems my simultaneous blog has found some new readers who are not reading it b/c they like or even know me... But it all runs together in my head what I've told to who (been that ways for decades, really), so I may just be not writing things because I already did that previous time.
Well, one thing I've been doing a bit is "Reading". (It's surprising how much you do of that while your computer's busted, or at least unable to find an Internet-connection... Not even necessarily the newspapers, though hosts like Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert act like that's where you get your news instead of the papers.) I read the autobiographies of Cary Elwes (per se, behind-the-scenes of "The Princess Bride", also including memories from other cast members) & Joe Perry (if you don't know who he is, shame on you); fiction by Baldacci (trying to stay current on King & Maxwell) & John Green ("Abundance Of Katherines" was great, but avoiding "Fault In Our Stars" b/c reading it is pointless if I end up catching the movie someplace)... Anyway, I found myself without reading material for a bit, so I reopened Damien Echolls' book from a while back. Determined to finish it now, after which I'll be hitting another Michael Connelly & yet another backlog of magazines I've developed.
Obviously (if you read titles before the blog), I've also done some writing... Though not as much as you might think. I've got the whole month of November free from any medical appointments or tests, but I've been delaying which version of my long-sitting "Platinum Project" to continue, & meaning to instead finish composing the music for the musical-theater project I've promised various folks in various ways for over a decade now. (That said, irony comes in my medical-less month being perhaps the one I've felt the worst in a while... Part of me remembers thinking previously the only reason I'd stay alive was to finish this musical piece so not doing so soon means all that time is "means" without a justifying ending, to quote Machiavelli. On the other hand, if that one gets completed, but at the cost of not doing anything else, 1 victory per dozen is not something that would get my Steelers or Lakers anywhere near a postseason, let alone a Championship!)
Hence the mention of reincarnation... I haven't admittedly thought of this much (with my medical history, most of which isn't as common as the cold, but lasts a lot longer than the average Winter-time flu), but more stuff with some sort of "Six Degrees" connection... I'm an organ-donor on my new driver's permit (older sibling took me to get the first, & said something about being one being "cool" or something, so I took the shared-genetics peer pressure), but it's also hit me they could donate the pancreas, heart, & other things that don't work so hot for me to others, & also make them work for that person. (Makes me wonder more, since I saw "The Judge" talk about organ-donation, & "Marvelous" Marc Mero posted about his aorta shrinking, as Ronny Turiaf mentioned years ago.)... Regardless, until recently, I'd only-barely thought about reincarnation in a technical way: Parts of my body being used by a few different people, none of whom were me, or necessarily knew who I was. However, lately, I've started to seriously consider the idea of having another life after this one (even though I've never truly believed in past lives, & know the later me probably wouldn't have a belief-in/knowledge-of the one currently sitting at this desk). Regardless, I have seen a lot of use &/or discussion of cryogenics, & I must say (to anyone curious) I prefer letting me die & waiting for reincarnation: I'm figuring something like the Head & Shoulders slogan, "You never get a 2nd chance to make a first impression," & I personally doubt it's possible to have a life worse than this one.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Thursday, November 6, 2014
"L. E"ad"...ing Back Into It" (Hand-written On Sunday, 10-26-14 @ 3-3:15 PM)
Looking at that title, I thought of several questions a reader may
ask. The first was, "What is 'ad'?" My reply is, "One of four things:
As the famous phrase goes, the future/2015 could be/get "very interesting".
- To (perhaps) my Pastor & some past teachers, a time period.
- To my best friend, a preposition.
- To my father, something you sell/read for a radio station.
- To me, the least-important part of that title.
As the famous phrase goes, the future/2015 could be/get "very interesting".
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