I apologize at the start of this one if you've been waiting for a
follow-up on my last blog. (Of course, if you do the math, you know my
meeting about ending the whole spiel hasn't happened yet.) I also
apologize if you follow my Twitter feed,
as it must feel like that old cartoon thing I remember from "Sesame
Street" where the detective dude was following a long-repeating stretch
of "line... dot... line... dot," & all that. [I looked for it on
YouTube, & only got a REAL-old video by Chuck Jones; I love Looney
Tunes as much as the next guy (maybe more), but it's not what I'm
looking for. This leads me to wonder if they still showed it on the
program as my nephew was growing-up... May E-mail sister later.]
let me settle things a bit for all of you: I have said even less on
Twitter (that would interest most people), & as I said, all
appointments & meetings are still upcoming. What have I been doing
to kill that time? A lot of reading & watching TV. (Mainly Kristen
Bell interviews, even though things mentioned in the last blog blocked
me from taking part in that Kickstarter deal for the movie, which it
appears isn't playing anywhere near here anyway.)
regardless of if you've read anything I've written or not, one thing
that has NOT changed (& may never) is I'm still addicted to TV,
though I lately notice myself moving less to "reality" shows & more
toward the scripted variety (though I still set timers for "WWE Raw", as
well as "Amazing Race" & the current deal on "Cosmos"). The reason I
mention this is due to a show I watched last night: "Suits".
you've never seen this show before, find a way to get caught-up. It is
not, as I (seriously) originally thought, an hour-long commercial for
Men's Wearhouse; It is a show about a law firm (or maybe a group of
them; Lawyers working elsewhere seem to show-up at least once a month).
Last night, that meant I took a break from my CBS-watching ("Big Bang"
& "Elementary" are near-staples) to watch the episode called, "Yesterday's Gone".
you click on any of those last three words, each will take you to a
different place about this specific episode: The IMDB page, a few
"preview" clips, & an after-airing review. What you will not see (I
Googled, but again came-up empty) is what I am dying to find: Some sort
of script... Why? I'll tell you. (Forget reading further if you didn't
read the previous blog.)
As I said in my
previous blog, I am trying to change a situation in my life that
involves a crapload.... Literally, a load of utter crap/trash being
spouted by people who spend their professional lives as doctors,
lawyers, & perhaps even a judge. (Literally a constant debate in my
head of how big a role he plays in this; I maintain my respect for him,
thinking he is doing the right thing based on things he hears/reads from
the others he honestly believes to be true that I & the
aforementioned "others" know is not.)
on last night's episode, one of the key characters (who is living with a
lie told very early in the show's run) was dealing with his lie being
found-out while also trying to work a case. One of the "name partners"
of the main firm (I believe so-called because her surname is part of the
name of the firm) was called to testify on the stand for a case she was
personally involved in. In both cases (or "situations"; Pick a word,
like a card game), they said things (I know this because my ears suck,
& this PC is the only place I don't use a hearing aid &/or
captions) about things being about the truth & not the law.
second the episode was over, it was almost time for me to take my
nightly pills & Lantus insulin shot. [One place my personal
deal/case gets "hinky" (to quote actor Gary Grubbs on an oft-seen
episode of "Will & Grace", ironically a show involving a ton of
fictional law-practicing) is one reason I got the guardian (or so I
hear) was my refusal I have Diabetes. I continue to refuse over a Decade
After Diagnosis (DAD), but also continue to check my blood-sugar &
take/accept insulin quite-regularly.] But first, I stopped to tell Mom
(already in her bed) how much I wished I could find a way to send that
episode to all the doctors, lawyers, & other so-called
"professionals" involved in my case, who I've noticed (I wrote about
this in the last blog) will neither confirm nor deny their own lying as
it pertains to me.
Anyhow, I know I already
covered in this blog that I've spent a lot of the recent time watching
TV... Not gonna lie about that. But in actuality, I am simultaneously
doing that while 1] counting & 2] thinking...
I am counting the amount of time I have left until the appointment with
my longtime "general doc". (I call him that instead of my "family
doctor", the way some of my other doctors refer to him. My immediate
family all sees different people, but he's the guy I go to for the
basics: Flu shot, etc.) He is the one (as I believe I covered last blog)
that I am told will/should fill-out the new evaluation to
("potentially", it is said, the way the Mayans probably talked about the
end of the world 15 months ago, except I believe this one will happen)
end the guardianship.
2] I have been thinking about what the
doctor will say aloud to me &/or in writing for the evaluation. I
have no clue, & care almost as little; What I am near-constantly
thinking about is if it will matter at all. As I said last blog, before
this situation, I thought courts (or at least judges & the others in
the courtrooms) acted based on what was true &/or could be proven.
However, I now tell my mother nightly that I honestly believe "Dr. Raja"
(the Dr. that filled-out the original evaluation starting me on the
path to getting a guardian), my "general doc" (who I have seen since
long before the guardianship deal ever began), President Obama (who I
have voted for twice, on a side-note), & God himself (or
Mohammed/Buddha; Again, pick one) could all walk into that courtroom
simultaneously, say individually in that order that I don't need a
guardian anymore (& in the first case, admit I never did), &
I'll still have one next Fall.
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