Hey, everyone. If you follow my Twitter feed (I assume most people do both or neither), you know I've said maybe one-thing-a-day lately. Allow me to explain that with this special, blog-only post.
There are really two reasons, & they both go back to this blog I posted about 6 weeks ago. One thing is when I left what was then known as "the Renaissance" (ironically, Ma says it has a new name now), my cell-phone battery was entirely dead, so my phone needed replacing. (I replaced it quickly, this time leaving the "predictive text" option on for writing text messages. However, it has bounced off-&-on a few times since then, the cause of it returning often being my sister, who I rarely see, & who is quite busy with her own 3 kids, all of whom are aged in the single digits.) I did a lot of my "Tweeting" before via my phone, so I haven't done it as much in the New Year. (Often, what I say is a quick idea or question, not worth the time it'd take to type finding/choosing each letter individually.)
The other reason (as I explained on my feed last night) is that I have been attempting to make a change (or two...; Not sure what the number would be really, "if you wanna get tech'") in my offline life. For me, that takes precedence, because if I don't have one offline, there's nobody to write my Twitter feed, & nothing to write it about anyway.
The rest of this blog will be about those changes. ("You've been warned...")
Rereading it to myself just now, I realize I wrote a lot in the earlier blog (linked-to in this one) about my time in Trumbull Memorial Hospital & the Renaissance. What I didn't mention, it appears, are the other 2 big changes that happened over that time. One is that on one of the days I was in therapy, I was taken by some special transportation group to a new/different endocrinologist. (Not in the mood to "get tech'"?! A doc to treat my long-believed-except-by-me Diabetes.) I had no problem with this, as it was much closer than my then-current endocrinologist, who was quite-literally across state lines.
The other big change I didn't mention happened while I was still in the Hospital, or so it seems from papers I read about 15 hours ago. A person called, "Dr. Raja" (that remains the name used by most hospital staffers as of this/Thursday morning; I'd type his surname, but you'd be sure I simply dropped my head on my keyboard) filled-out what is referred to around here as an "expert evaluation". (The paper refers to itself as an "expert evaluation of..."; I admit you lose me after that, as I know what it is, so I'm too mad at the whole situation to read any more of it.)
Long story short, the paper asks the doctor a bunch of questions, each ending with a line for him to fill-in his answers. Man, I wish I could photocopy it or something & put it on this blog! Regardless, just know it's what I frankly refer to as "a bunch of hooey". He is first asked his "name & title", written in the same illegible "chicken-scratch" 80% of my doctors have used. Other questions include how long I've been his patient, etc., which I can read well enough to tell you he flat-out lied. (125% honest: When he answered the call at about 10 AM today, I started by saying, "I don't know when, if ever, we've met before," & he said absolutely nothing to that!!!) This led to someone scheduling a hearing for a few weeks later.
Apparently, attorneys & courts take a few days & every afternoon of the week off, as they scheduled it super-early in the morning. At the time, I was having some weird insomnia deal, so I didn't get to sleep until 4-or-so that morning, & slept past the hearing. Next thing I know, I have a local guy as my "guardian", & I am his "ward". (Trust me; He'd be a worse Batman than Kilmer, Clooney, or even Affleck.)
The upside was I still got to live with my Mom in the same apartments I'd lived in for years. The downside was I can't spend a single cent without him &/or the courts OKing it. (125% honest again: I've had Lunch at 3 different fast-food places this week, ordered what I wanted, & paid with cash from my wallet each time. However, I could have done none of that without first cashing the checks I get in the mail from his office each month. [Want More of the Mess?! All the checks he-or-someone-in-his-office writes come in an envelope addressed (by typewriter or another machine) to Mom, though we live in the same exact place, & every cent is from an account that is not-at-all connected to Mom's name. The check for groceries, as well as the one for $ I spend if I wanna see the new Costner flick or buy The Rock's last movie on DVD?! Both are written out to "Cash" as opposed to my name (which is located right above his on each check), & even the "Memo" line is about "Ward's Groceries" or "Ward's Use"... My name only gets on that check again when I sign them. On top of all that, the rent check is written specifically to Mom. The cable-bill-paying check is written to the cable company, but the court never OKed the new amount when Time Warner raised the cost, so I end-up giving them some of that "grocery" money after I give them the check written to the company!... In the words of Bill Engvall, "You cannot make this stuff up!"]...
...Oh, I re-read this to myself partway (a few times, really), & realized I forgot to put something important in the spending-money part of this: Mere weeks after I got out of "the R", I found my debit card wouldn't work at the local bank's ATM machine. My Mom (a former employee for the same bank-company) & I took it inside, & explained it. They said something I don't recall now, but know included the word "guardian". They then proceeded to literally cut the card up with HUGE scissors in front of our faces. On top of that, I now tell people honestly that "without this (guardian) deal, the courts wouldn't know I existed" & that "I love watching 'Person of Interest', but have never been one". Despite all that, I literally can't tell you the last time I was able to buy anything online, even from well-known-&-respected retailers like Amazon & EBay. (I still get semi-regular E-mails from EBay about what my "favorite sellers" are selling, & weekly E-mails from Ticketmaster about events that have tickets going on-sale, but am currently telling my Dad I have no clue how we'll get tickets for the WWE event in June!!!)
Anyhow, in the New Year, aside from avoiding any "resolutions", I decided on a few things I wanted to change about my life. (One reason I'm not calling them "resolutions" is that, like this one, I have to put things in action, but a lot of it will/will-not happen because of what people other than me do/say.) One of the first things I wanted to change is getting rid of this "guardian"; I never saw a need for him, deny all the reasons I've been given for anyone ever deciding I needed one, & actually believe my "legal guardian" to be on a different side of the law with some of his actions. (125% honest yet again: He's also an attorney, with his last name on the business card, & as the first one said by whoever answers the phone when you call the office.)
I called the Probate Court to see how to end it, since they were the only place I ever went to discuss things with anyone other than my guardian himself. (I'm literally begging you to take that link; On the page it leads to is the name & phone number of the judge that finalized my guardian; Buy a phone card at Target or something, & call him without reason every hour for a day/week/something... I'm serious; Last I checked, courts were largely about being fair & getting justice, so it's only fair/just he get a few hours wasted the same way he's wasted countless days & weeks of my time.)
The lady I spoke to there said I needed the same doctor that filled-out the first evaluation to fill-out another, saying the opposite of what he'd said the first time. (In this case, he'd be telling the truth this time, which before all this crap, I thought was important to courts & law officials!) I called the number next to his name, which connected me to the hospital, who told me he was unavailable, but would be "on call" today (Thursday).
I called about 10 this morning & had him paged (as they'd instructed). He told me he only saw people "in the hospital" or "in emergencies". (He said both during our conversation, never even approaching claiming he'd ever seen my name or face, even in the newspaper!!) He then told me "whatever doctor you're seeing now" could fill-out the new evaluation.
I called the Probate Court again. (Don't waste time; Start dialing that number as you read this last paragraph!!) They went further, saying "any doctor you want" could fill it out. Deciding to be sure & be straight/honest with them (despite the way they had not done so with me), I called the doctor I've been seeing the past several years. I now have an appointment in darn-close 2 weeks, when it's noted we'll be discussing the ("potential", according to his nurse) end of this "guardianship".
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