Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The One-Item Bucket List ; New Blog Begun 8-19-14 @ 3:16 AM

OK; I've had that old "Confessions" song in my head so much lately (not even the "real" one by Usher, but the parody by "Weird Al" Yankovic) that I think it's time I "release" a few confessions of my own.
First off? I've got a HUGE media collection.... Most of which I've never heard, watched, or any of that so-called "good stuff". For instance, right now, the latest "Weird Al" CD is sitting next to my TV under my (smaller) "portable" CD-player, wherein the disc itself is honestly located. I bought the CD legal-&-honest (though I remain constantly curious about the location & actions of the former Internet-piracy man known as "Kim Dotcom"), but have probably listened to less than half of it, that being the earliest percentage, & all on the day I bought it. Before that, the player had 2 disc-cases under it: One the latest by the Old 97's (I have yet to listen to all of that one either), & the other a disc they recorded years ago with country-music legend Waylon Jennings. (These were also bought cleanly, with the Amazon receipt atop my TV to prove it. I could literally reach either of those right this second from where I sit, which leaves me with no honest answer as to why neither has been played by me in literally weeks.)
My second & last (for now) confession, & the one that brings me to the point of this blog, is that I watch a lot of what is apparently "crap TV". I say this largely because of the responses to online articles about the shows I watch, such as all the people angrily responding to the cancellation of "Crossbones" (I liked it, but am fine with it being over, as I also watch many series that are highly-rated, but have trouble filling a whole season's-worth of episodes with believable, continuing storyline); Not to mention the fact that some shows I expect to love get dropped before they (in my opinion) get a chance to even make an attempt at such a thing. (I love watching "Person Of Interest" or "NCIS: Los Angeles", which is the only reason I have yet to contact CBS about cancelling the once-started "NCIS: Red" & "Intelligence", while still not thinking twice about doing 20 seasons of "Big Brother". (One more confession, I guess: I first mis-typed that title as "Bog Brother". I laughed at my mistake, until I was correcting it, & considered the possibility of a "Duck Dynasty" spinoff; Don't say you weren't warned.)
Anyhow, follow my steps here... One of the shows I tend to watch that many would probably avoid is called "Baggage". Some might say it's downright stupid of me to watch this particular show (wherein people competing to be selected for a date reveal less-desirable facts/traits about themselves) considering I myself have never even attempted to date someone (& I admit much of many days includes time spent laughing at ads for EHarmony &/or similar sites). But being that I average a day a week spent at the local Mall, & it was just a week ago I was at a doctor's office where a man entered wearing a football jersey that literally touched his shoelaces, I see no harm in accessing the "perhaps-less-desirable-but-home-owning-&-job-holding" parts of society in this way. [I've long said the reason I've found watching these sorts of shows OK is some actress admitted to doing so in an interview with Jay Leno. Honestly, thinking that now reminds me how I never thought I would miss Jay Leno as host of the "Tonight Show"... I shall not miss Dave, but Jimmy Fallon hosting anything on a night Monday-through-Friday (let alone all of them), coupled with the approaching loss of Craig Ferguson, often leaves me sitting & watching "Baggage" episodes on my TV, curious about the possible side-effects of taking an additional one of my "anti-anxiety" pills, which I have usually taken as directed within the last 2 hours.]
As I was getting at, I was watching the show briefly tonight (first thing I thought of that was on when I turned-on my bedroom set), & one of the contestants revealed an interesting item on their "bucket list". (Forget what it was right now.) When asked to explain it, they said they had long wondered what it would be like to do, & thought if they knew they were on the way out (terminal disease) or something, that would be something they'd like to be able to say they'd done.
This reminded me of an episode I'd watched last night of "Dog The Bounty Hunter". (I sometimes find it hard to get to sleep after watching the weekend "Burn Notice" repeats, & "Dog", like most characters on "Burn Notice", often cracks a few jokes that lead my mind into more-rest-able areas.) The Chapmans caught a guy who had violated parole. After leading him back to the jail, "Dog" told the camera that he felt bad for the guy; On the one hand, the guy had done something he wasn't supposed to, & needed to pay for that. On the other, "Dog" had learned on the way to turn the man in that he had terminal cancer, so part of him admittedly wished the guy could live with the people the Chapmans had found hiding him, as in jail, little would be up to him, & the disease he'd been diagnosed with outside of the legal issues might take him on the first day into what would likely be a relatively-small sentence.
Anyway, on to me....
I never saw "The Bucket List", the movie. [I've purchased & watched my DVD of "Now You See Me", & like a bunch of Morgan Freeman movies, but Nicholson could never repay me for the part he played in the movie that attempted (albeit unsuccessfully) to destroy the Monkees over 40 years ago.] I'm not sure when, but I apparently did make one of my own. (Mom referenced it in a conversaton we had once, & I barely-but-honestly remember that.) Regardless, watching repeats of "NCIS: Los Angeles" a few hours ago reminded me that, largely-inspired by that show, one of the things I had put on a mental "bucket list" a few months back, & in fact hoped to accomplish by the end of 2014, was to learn & be licensed to legally carry-&-fire a gun. I then recalled I had planned to do it by this part of the year. While I haven't taken even the first step (I don't even know what that might be), I have several months left, which most firearm-carriers would probably tell you is plenty of time.
The only problem is, like that man captured by "Dog", I've been diagnosed with a few incurable diseases (& believe myself to have several others my doctors have not given me positive-or-negative responses about)... So the number of days left on my cell-phone's calendar & the number of days left on mine are no doubt very different.
--4:01 AM Finish

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